Tuesday, December 21, 2010

God vs. Science vs. Something cool

Tonight is the Winter solstice which normally means absolutely nothing to me (other being yet another thing to not think about this close to Christmas.) Tonight is different, though, because the earth is going to cast it's fat ass earth shadow on the moon. That's right, folks, lunar eclipse's is like whoa tonight. This amazing and beautiful spectacle of our universe will not happen again until 2014, and we all know the earth will be gone by then. So I got my front row tickets to this marvelous event, gungho on seeing the splendor of a PLANET that is revolving around a giant SUN in such a way that it BLOCKS THE LIGHT AND CASTS A SHADOW on THE MOON that is in turn revolving around said PLANET! It's a universal masterpiece and guess-the-hell-what; It's cloudy. Not rain clouds or snow clouds or even lightning and thunder clouds; just lunar eclipse-blocking clouds that have decided to ruin the night, the week, and Christmas.

At first I was like...
And then I was like...
So what does it mean? Clouds. How do they work? I speculate a few things: 1) God always has, and always will never want us, his most loved creation, to enjoy the brick-shitting miracles of the universe, just ask the Challenger crew. 2) Scientists intentionally pick the days in which it will be cloudy for most of the world and then announce "OMFG GAIZ, LUNARZ ECLIPSE TONIGHT!!!11! LOLZ!!!1" 3) Low pressure systems.

Either way, I'm gonna spray some aerosol so I can see space without that ozone glaucoma. 

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